Our Policy
We at Equalitas Systemcert certification support Organizations to improve their working system and achieve best by their improved business activities.
Equalitas Systemcert Certification is managed by a group of professionals having wide experience in Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management Systems, Operational Health Safety and Food Safety with a commitment to provide non-discriminatory, integrated, independent and impartial services to customers.
Management Policy
We at ESCPL are committed to provide an impartial, independent, fair, transparent and competent management system certification services to all the clients in accordance with requirements of the applicable International Standards for Certification Bodies. We are also committed to maintain the impartiality of certification activities and the confidentiality of information in all aspects. This is achieved through:
Understanding the importance of impartiality on carrying out certification activities
Managing conflicts of interest
Ensuring objectivity of the certification activities
Employing trained and competent personnel in carrying out certification activities
Operating the procedures in a non-discriminatory manner.
Enhancing the client satisfaction by value adding audit and prompt response to client requirements
Continual improvement of management system and certification activities through regular reviews and feedback from interested parties.
Impartiality Policy
ESCPL Directors, staff and others involved in the certification process understand the importance of risks associated to impartiality. ESCPL will identify and assess risks in all relationships which may result in a conflict of interest or pose a threat to impartiality. Threats to impartiality include, but are not limited to, the following
Self-interest threats: threats that arise from a person or body acting in their own interest. A concern related to certification, as a threat to impartiality, is financial self-interest.
Self-review threats: threats that arise from a person or body reviewing the work done by themselves. Auditing the management systems of a client to whom the certification body provided management systems consultancy would be a self-review threat.
Familiarity (or trust) threats: threats that arise from a person or body being too familiar with or trusting of another person instead of seeking audit evidence.
Intimidation threats: threats that arise from a person or body having a perception of being coerced openly or secretively, such as a threat to be replaced or reported to a supervisor.
Financial threats: the source of revenue for a certification body can be a threat to impartiality
Subjectivity threats: threats that arise when personal bias overrules objective evidence